Voogle is a very efficient and safe innovative product that increases the resistance and supports the natural healing process. Voogle avoids in this way, the use of antibiotics. Resistance problems that are related to many antibiotics, Voogle do not know.
- Voogle has no harmful effect on fish, shrimps, lobsters, molluscs, plants or the biofilter.
- Voogle is proven highly supportive in the natural healing process for aquarium fish.
- Voogle has no effect on the important water parameters
- Voogle mostly consists of plant extracts and supporting vitamins and minerals.
- Voogle breaks down naturally, so that it is not necessary to change the water after using the product.
Voogle is available in various packaging quantities: 100 ml – 250 ml – 500 ml – 1,000 ml – 5,000 ml
Voogle ®: Perfect fish care, support the natural healing process
Voogle is a very efficient and safe innovative product that helps your fish’s natural immune system and supports the natural healing process for aquarium fish.
This way, Voogle helps their immune defence mechanisms.
Weekly use of Easy-Life Voogle ensures that fish remain in optimal health and condition in a natural way with a strong immune system.
Tips to use: get the best out of Voogle
To support the natural healing process (fish) & support the immune defense mechanisms
During five consecutive days 10 ml per 40 litres, to support the natural healing process
Maintenance, continuous support the natural healing process
10 ml Voogle per 100 litres aquarium water every week
10 ml per 40 litres during (long-distance) transport
Quarantine – import of fish
During five consecutive days 10 ml per 40 litres, to support the natural healing process and immune defense mechanisms
New fish in aquarium
10 ml per 40 litres of aquarium water for 3 days, to help their immune defence mechanisms
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