
Seachem Flourish Trace


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  • Trace elements supplement for the planted aquarium
  • Allows for more frequent dosing than a broad spectrum supplement without worrying about a build up of more slowly used components


Flourish Trace™ supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated to be necessary for proper plant health and growth (see below for signs of deficiencies). Trace elements are normally depleted by utilization, oxidation and precipitation. The latter two processes occur more rapidly than with other micronutrients. This makes it important to restore trace elements on a regular basis. Flourish Trace™ is safe for invertebrates such as shrimp.

We normally recommend one start with Flourish® and/or Flourish Tabs™. These provide a broad range of micro-nutrients (vitamins, amino acids) and micro and trace elements (iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, etc) that will enhance plant health and growth. If the growth rate is substantial the trace elements are often utilized more rapidly than the other components in Flourish®, thus in this case it would be beneficial to also employ Flourish Trace™ along with Flourish® and/or Flourish Tabs™.

Sizes: 50 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, 2 L, 4 L

Use 1 capful (5 mL) for every 80 L (20 US gallons) twice a week. When using in conjunction with Flourish®, dose on alternate days.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A





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